Arthritis (What is It)
Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the US. From what we know, it is a terrible disease, that affects our joints. Arthritis, causes pain in our hands, fingers, and where ever, it wants to go in the body. Along with pain, disfiguring, swelling, poor circulation, and stiffness and many other symptoms.
That makes it difficult to move, especially the older we get. Over 45 million adults and nearly 300,000 children have arthritis. I know how serious it is, because, I’ve seen firsthand, what it can do.
My Grandpa learned how living with Rheumatoid arthritis caused him to suffer much. He learned to deal with it, and lived a fairly decent life, barring many things that he was not able to do easy. He would figure a way to get them done. Finally, it wound up causing his death.
Now, I could tell you, much more, of how he suffered, but I am gonna try to spare you from that. Wiktionary calls arthritis, Inflammation of the joints. Since we know a little more about what arthritis is, let’s look at a few common types.
Arthritis (Common Types)
Rheumatoid – immune system disease that attacks your bones and joints, and also, causes swelling and stiffness along with pain, and decreased movement. There are treatments for rheumatoid arthritis disease, that, we will discuss, later in this post.
Osteoarthritis– is a degenerative joint disease that breaks down the cartilage on the bone. Causing serious joint damage with swelling, pain, and joint disfiguration, with loss of movement. Over time joints may lose strength and the pain becomes severe. This is the most common type of arthritis.
Psoriasis – affects the skin and joints. It affects the skin with inflammation and patches of redness called psoriasis. It affects the joints by swelling, pain, and stiffness called arthritis.
There is over a hundred different types of arthritis, here are the 3 most common ones. There hasn’t been a cure discovered for arthritis.
Arthritis (Symptoms and Diagnoses)
This shouldn’t be too hard, we’ve done gone over most of them, and it depends on what type you have. Let’s see
- Pain – physical and unpleasant suffering associated with the body
- Swelling – abnormal enlargement of a body part
- Stiffness – joint pain with loss of movement
- joints feeling warm – inflammation of the joints
- redness around joints
- decreased movement
Effect on some people, could be worse than on others. Arthritis can be hereditary also. This is a picture of Osteoarthritis———————————————–
Diagnoses – Your health care provider will examine you, take blood test, and scans, to determine the type you have, for the right treatment.
Arthritis (Treatments).
There is no cure for arthritis, but there are things that you and your doctor can do to treat it. Your medical history plays a part in your treatment, along with your age and health, this is some of the treatments for :

Osteoarthritis – therapy, physical activity, medication, surgery, joint replacement, and injections in the joints. Can be managed, if caught early enough.
Rheumatoid – therapy which would include exercise, medications which reduce inflammation, pain, and swelling, in injections in the joints, or even replacing the joints
Psoriasis arthritis – there is a light therapy for the skin, injection or (IV) Intravenous Infusion, and many types of medications
Natural treatments
Adding hot peppers, to the lotions you use, will help block nerve endings for pain
Aloe Vera, applied to the infected area, will help the scaling and flaking
Willow bark extract, is better at relieving pain, than some prescription medicines
Oats, can be used to put on the skin, as a paste to soothe psoriasis
Tea tree oil, can be used, as a shampoo for psoriasis of the scalp
Taking vitamin D, may help reduce joint pain
Fish oils, can be taken, for their anti-inflammatory properties
Turmeric, can be used for, its anti-inflammatory properties
Arthritis Vitamins an (Side Effects)
People living with Rheumatoid Arthritis, most commonly, have a deficient vitamin intake of :
Vitamin C – powerful antioxidant, it helps the body form and maintain connective tissue, including bones, blood vessels, and skin. It is known as (ascorbic acid). People with hemochromatosis, an inherited condition, should not take vitamin C supplements. Side effects of vitamin C although considered safe, high doses (more than 2,000 mg daily) it can cause upset stomach, diarrhea, or gas.
Vitamin B6 – (pryidoxine) helps boost the immune system, helps metabolize food, helps the body produce hormones, helps the body contain energy, plus helps you, to avoid unnecessary weight gain. Side effects, could include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and loss of appetite.
Vitamin B9 – (folate or folic acid) folate, like all B vitamins, take carbohydrates (food) and converts them to glucose (fuel), that helps the body produce energy. Helps maintain a healthy nervous system and brain function. May help in memory decline due to aging. It does promote development of proper human growth. It develops the growth of placenta and fetus in pregnancy. Side effects, could be, very high doses seizures, restlessness, an allergic reaction might include shortness of breath. Difficulty swallowing and could include hives. When this occurs seek medical help immediately.
Vitamin B12 – (cyanocobalamin) supports mental and emotional health, helps keeping your energy levels up, helps your body develop and grow the way it should, and also helps in protecting you from heart disease, by helping in the production of red blood cells. Most people take, to help with mental sharpness. Side effects, could be stomach pain, dizziness, fatigue, chest pain, and ringing in the ears.
Vitamin E – antioxidant, that helps reduce free radical damage, and helps in repairing damage cells. Vitamin E is fat-soluble, which means, it is stored in your body and used, as it is needed. In other words it helps keep your body from oxidizing and aging as fast. Side effects, it is very unlikely that you overdose on vitamin E, the recommended daily allowance can vary, but from people 14 and older is usually 15 milligrams.
Arthritis Supplements
Capsaicin – that uses its properties to numb the nerve endings, for pain transmitters. Capsaicin is available in a topical solution, whether gel, cream, or a patch. It is good, for osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Fish Oil – omega-3s block the inflammatory properties, and decreases joint stiffness, along with pain. It is good for rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Ginger – anti-inflammatory properties eases the effects of osteoarthritis, which would be pain and joint inflammation. Taken regularly, it will help, with joint stiffness as well. Ginger helps boost the immune system. Will help prevent a heart attack, by the way of, helping to keep the blood from clotting.
Ginger is good for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Now, there are more supplements that help arthritis, but these are the most common.
Arthritis Diet
Foods you should eat should be rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Foods you need to avoid, are processed food, and foods that are high in sugar content.
Should eat:
- nuts
- legumes
- fruits
- vegetables
- beans
- broccoli
- olive oil
- whole grains
Shouldn’t eat :
- coffee
- alcohol
- salt
- sugar
Will eating foods help with arthritis? Studies have shown that it will. Just watch your diet, and eat accordingly. There are more foods that can be eating, that will be added in the coming days. Some better some worse, these are some of the better ones.
Arthritis Cure
This is one, I’m sad to say, much as, I’d like for them to be, they don’t have. Wish they did, but there is no cure for arthritis, yet. We’ll have to keep waiting for this one until it is discovered. Most of all, keep praying until the doctors find one. New discoveries every day gives us hope for great things. Many treatments have been used, but the one we are looking for is just around the corner I believe, and that is our hope here at
Arthritis a serious condition, that affect many people. We never know, when it will affect us, or maybe already is. Our aim at is to inform as many people as we can that it might be affecting. To give them some easy ways to relieve the symptoms and let them lead a more normal life. Our wants are to give the sufferers what they need.
We designed this website to do that, if you feel that we have helped you in any way, please leave us a comment below.
We will get back to you as soon as possible, and will be adding more content later, please feel free to check back.
Good luck to all
This is super helpful because while I don’t have arthritis, my mom does and it’s rough to see her dealing with it. But I seriously didn’t know some of the ways to alleviate that you mentioned. That’s actually reassuring because I at least now know there’s some way to help. Do you think there will ever be a concrete cure?
I don’t know if they will ever be a permanent cure, but I think there will be better ways to treat it. I will add more as I get them. Thank for your comment
Hi Fred,
Great content. Very informative. I guess I should drink less coffee… and eat more vegetables. My grandma has arthritis, and I will definitely share this information to help her. Thank you for sharing! Look forward to your future posts!
Thank you, this little changes can make a big difference.
Thank you for all of this great information! I’m a long-time arthritis sufferer, and am always looking for new ways to relieve symptoms. You mentioned ginger as a good anti-inflammatory — what are your thoughts on the best way to use it? Is there a capsule/supplement I can get, or should I just add a lot of fresh ginger to my foods? Thanks again!
Thanks, you can use it either way, which ever works best for you, or you can use it both ways.
Great information. My mother had Rheumatoid Arthritis and I’ve wondered if it is inherited, but, I did not know that arthritis can kill. I hope and pray that I don’t inherit it.
Thanks, my grandfather had osteoarthritis, it had joint stiffness real bad and disfigured joints with swelling. It caused bad circulation in his body and eventually had his legs amputated and after a few years finally killed him.
Hi Fred, You come up another nice article and provide a lot of useful information on arthritis. My father has rheumatoid arthritis 10 years and his experience for the reliving pain is doing exercises, as you mentioned in your article. My father is wine lover and he has a cup of wine every dinner. Based on your work, I will advise my father to cut down the wine consumption.
Thanks, he may not have to quit, but it wouldn’t hurt to cut back on it and add some supplements.
very informative article, thanks for sharing. I never realized that changing your diet can help with arthritic pain. As a therapist, I’ll be sure to recommend some of these diet changes to my patients.
Thanks, we can control, how our body feels, and performs, by what we, put in it, and the fitness we give it.
Interesting read! I know a few people with arthritis and they are not eating any of the food you are mentioning. I think people don’t realize how serious it can get. Will definitely share your post with them. And thank you for writing this and create awareness.
Thank you, maybe they don’t realize, how it could help them. I will be added more foods to the list, just bookmark and check back later.
This is great information to keep book marked for later reference. It seems the older I get the more my joints hurt, it nice to see there are some natural things to take for the discomfort instead of meds.
I find that taking vitamin D and exercising regularly has helped me a lot.
Thanks for the comment Kim, thats what I here a lot from just about everybody even myself. As we get older our joints and what’s in them wear and needs rejuvenating. Thats what supplements do for us.
Hello Fred,
Arthritis is for sure one of the big plagues nowadays. Of all people I know, there is always someone in the family suffering from some kind of arthritis. Interesting to hear that psoriasis is a kind of arthritis didn’t know that.
I believe that if we all ate less processed food and more of the food you listed in this post, then fewer people would suffer from inflammatory diseases. I think it’s great that you spread the word of how to live healthier.
Keep on writing and sharing your valuable knowledge!
Thanks so much for your great comment, arthritis being inflammation of the joints means we need to get rid of inflammation in our body. When we do I believe most of our bodily illnesses will cease. I know it’s just common sense, but we don’t think about the cure.
I will bear this site in mind for reference regarding friends and relative´s arthritis, Alan
Thank you for the comment, Alan, I appreciate your words and am glad that you have found it useful. I want you to feel free anytime to come for the help and information that you or your family needs.