Kidney Disease or Chronic Kidney Disease to be more serious about it. The kidneys affect other organs in our body. We can’t live without them, lets face it our kidneys or anything related to the kidneys is called renal. Our kidney works like filters in our bodies, filtering the wastes in our blood and excess water, which form urine. We must keep Healthy Kidneys.
How, giving them what they need to stay that way.
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
This is a disease that happens when your kidneys slowly loose there function over a period of time. Without our kidneys doing there job, wastes will build up in our blood, making us feel weak, tired and sick. Since, we already know how the kidneys function, from the first paragraph, that we read in this article. We are going to find out what the causes are, as we continue reading.
When someone gets diagnosed with chronic kidney disease their lifestyle has to change, including their diet.
Causes of (CKD)
There may be many causes to Chronic Kidney Disease, but the two main causes are diabetes and High Blood Pressure. In early stages of kidney disease there may not be many symptoms that can detected. In fact, it may not even be detected until the kidneys are weakened or damaged. Here are the definitions of a few.
- Diabetes – type1 and 2 diabetes can hurt the kidneys, a long time before it shows any symptoms.
- High Blood Pressure – hypertension(HBP) is the most common cause of kidney disease, by damaging the blood vessels in the kidneys, making them more difficult to remove the waste from the blood.
- Glomerulonephritis – not just one, but a group of diseases that damages the part of the kidneys that filter the blood.
- Polycystic – is a genetic disease, that causes cysts on the kidneys, if the cysts get too big, they can damage the kidneys.
Causes we can avoid and cannot
Toxins – Avoid chemicals that are some paints or fuels which can help lead to kidney disease
Medications – overuse of some over the counter medications
Illegal drugs – like heroin or cocaine or any drug the body shouldn’t have
Lupus – autoimmune disease, where the bodies immune system attacks it own organs
Renal artery stenosis – narrowing of the renal artery reducing blood flow to the kidneys
Malaria – attacks the immune system by destroying red blood cells
Some symptoms a person might have with (CKD) are as follows………………………….
Lose of appetite
decrease in urine output
side or the mid to lower back pain
itchy skin
muscle cramps
high blood pressure
blood in the urine
Stages of (CKD)
This disease will have different stages of progression that comes as the Glomerular Filtration Rate(GFR) worsens and the stages go like this…..
1 – the GFR is normal, although kidney disease was diagnosed
2 – after detection, GFR is lower than 90 milliters
3 – GFR falls lower than 60 milliters
4 – GFR lower than 30 milliters
5 – GFR lower than 15 milliters, that’s when kidney failure occurs
Very important that kidney disease is detected early to prevent irreversible damage.
People with diabetes should be checked more often, because they are more susceptible to kidney damage.
What can we do to Treat it ourselves ?
There are a few different ways we can treat kidney disease. They are…………………..
Diet changes – avoid salt, or use less sodium products. Which may include processed foods, canned foods, fast foods or foods with added salt.
Limiting your protein amounts – by eating foods with less protein content, or by eating smaller of portions.
Limit foods with potassium – eating foods with lower potassium content, and staying away from high potassium foods like spinach, potatoes, bananas, and many more that you need to be aware, by consulting your doctor for a list.
Treatment options
This options is for some later stage treatments. There is no cure for (CKD), but treatments can relieve symptoms and slow the progress down. Some later stage options are…………….
Using (IV)Intravenous- to replace the blood volume that has been depleted
Using medication- to control high blood pressure
Using Diurectic Therapy – to control urine output or increase the output of water from the body.
Dialysis – There are two types 1. haemodialysis – this takes the blood into a machine and filters it, and then, returns it to the body, which has to be done about three times a week. 2. peritoneal – in which peritoneum in the abdomen is used as a filtering membrane, where fluid and other substances are dissolved and exchanged with blood.
Supportive Treatment
Some people might not want to go through any of these types of treatments
Supportive treatment may be called Palliative or Conservative care. It is medical care for serious ill patients, to help their quality of life for them and their families. Trying to focus on giving the patient relief, from physical and mental stress, they are going through, including their symptoms and pain. Here is a kidney patient guide that may help you.
How to maintain Healthy Kidneys
These health topics are designed to help and inform the people that may have, or know someone that may have, a sickness or disease. We want you, to tell us, what you need, or want to know about, by leaving us a comment below.
This is a great article with a bunch of useful information. Diet is so important. It should be a starting point for treating the disease. I knew that salt, proteins and processed food should be reduced in treating kidney disease, but I had no idea about potatoes and bananas. Great tip, thanks for sharing.
Thank you for your comment Blanka, this is why I started this website. To give people this information that they probably never read before. Intending on helping somebody out, that has not, had the chance, to get this information before. You can check out the rest of the site, there might be something, that may help you or your family. I’m adding to the site frequently.
Good info. Should help many who visit this site. I have known a few people with kidney disease so I am somewhat familiar with it.
Thanks for the comment Tony, I put this information out to the world, but it seems like it’s hard to get people to take health seriously. We never know, what is going to happen to us. I appreciate you taking the time read the article. If there is anything you want to know about, just ask below and I will get back to you.
Thanks for sharing this information Fred. I knew that CKD was a nasty disease to have and always wondered how one could get it. Thanks to your article I know that my chances of getting it are quite slim, except for my high blood pressure, which is kept under control by medical follow up. After reading your report I know now that it is one thing that I should keep a close eye on.
I wish you the very best of health.
John ツ
Thank you John for your comment, I am glad that it helped you out. There is many articles on health, especially on heart health and heart disease, you are interested, check them out, to see, if there is any information, that can help. If there is something you would like to know about, leave me a comment below, and I will get back to you. I appreciate you reading this post.
Very useful article and I love it because there are actually actionable steps we can take to to help in avoiding Kidney disease. I was unaware that Toxins were so detrimental. I knew they were bad but I did not know they could contribute to Kidney disease. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for the comment, yes Nate, like most of our health issues, kidney disease can be limited by doing some simple steps. We may not have a cure, but do have ways to treat. If there is something you would like to have more info. on, leave me a message below. I appreciate you reading this article.