

Livegreaterhealth here, with Diverticulitis information, this is another health issue that could be causing problems in your life, or in someone that you know.

Health is the greatest asset that we have, and we have got to take care of it. This means collecting all the information that we can and to make the right decisions on what to do.

Just like anything that we do for our bodies. When we start living with diverticulitis pain, we need to take care of it as soon as we can and not suffer.

Believe it or not, exercise will help heal our bodies, by doing daily exercise keeping our body in motion working the muscles. This will help burn the energy that our body needs to burn that helps our body in renewing and getting stronger.

Exercising in simple steps, keeping the body in shape. Which helps burn off excess fat which will also give us more energy and strength.

We are going to be learning more about Diverticulitis, like Crohn’s Disease it affects the intestines and colon.

(what is) Diverticulitis

Here is a video to explain

Diverticulitis is a gastrointestinal disease caused by small pouches that develop and become inflamed, in the lower part of the large intestine. These pouches are called ‘diverticula’, and are not life-threatening, but can cause a lot of pain and suffering. If these pouches are in the colon and not infected, they are called ‘diverticulosis’. When they are infected, they are called diverticulitis.


What are some of the diverticulitis symptoms you ask? Here are some of the answers we’ve come up with, for all our readers…..

  • Nausea and Vomiting – will deplete the body of water and eventually causes dehydration.
  • Diarrhea and Constipation
  • Fever
  • Tenderness – in the abdominal area
  • Pain – usually lower left of the abdomen
  • Swelling
  • Loss of appetite – possible, but not always

You might experience other diverticulitis symptoms, other than these. Every person is different, and it depends on their particular case. So be aware, if you are having problems, and have these symptoms, then get to your doctor, and get it checked out. Always remember the sooner the better.


When diverticula, (the pouches that develop in the colon), become infected. The infected pouches protrude through the colon walls. This will produce inflammation in the colon and the diverticulitis cause. If you are having any of these symptoms and cannot get to the doctor. Watch what you eat, follow some of the diet options discussed below and drink plenty of liquids.

There may be other things that assist with the cause of this disease, but this is the main reason. If we know the cause, then we should be able to prevent it.


To help prevent diverticulitis you should eat a high fiber diet.

Eat fruits, vegetables, and whole grains every day, at least one time.

Eating a fiber-rich diet will help your digestive system function well enough to not put pressure on the colon. Letting the waste flow easily in bowel movement.

Drink plenty of water in your fiber diet, to keep good flow with the digestion.

Cut back on caffeine intake.

These last three may be the very best, and the most common and the hardest to keep up.

Keeping a healthy body weight.

Stop smoking it will increase the risk of getting diverticulitis.

Get plenty of exercise on a regular basis, keeps the body healthy and working in optimal condition.

One other thing I almost forgot.

Avoid foods with lots of unhealthy fats.

Avoid these foods & drinks


Red meat – it’s hard for the digestive system to digest.

Seeds, nuts, or popcorn – eating seeds or nuts is a no-no because they can get caught in the lining of the colon.

Spicy foods – these may be hard to digest, causing discomfort into intestines. This may trigger diverticulitis.

Whole grains – some say to watch what whole grains you eat; some may have seeds or nuts in them.

Beans – causes gas which puts pressure on the colon which is very painful


carbonated beverages – causes gas that puts pressure on the colon

Alcohol – should be avoided because it affects the antibiotics and other medicines you have to take.


There are a few ways in treating diverticulitis pain (1) use heat therapy such as a heating pad on the abdomen. (2) use non-prescription pain reliever with acetaminophen.

There are several treatments that can be used

changing diet by including more fiber

Taking medications such as antibiotics

Using a liquid diet to help relax the colon

Rest mainly bed rest

Surgery, not always, but severe cases

There is some links here for people who are serious about stopping and treating this diverticulitis cause.

Here is a link to Diverticulitis Diet: Beat Diverticulitis Sickness. This book will give information that should help prevent this condition through diet.

We’ve put a link for some (90 Bags/180 Cups) Upset Stomach Specialty Tea Bags Diverticulitis Pain-Free Foods Diverticulosis Crohn’s Disease and Colitis. These are to help with your sickness and pain relief. Click on the link to make your own decision if it’s right for you.

Reason for this Article

livegreaterhealth.com/diverticulitis brings this article out in the open, because there is so much of it going around, and needs to be acknowledged. It seems like I hear about this, quite often anymore. I know people who suffer from this disease, and I would like to spread the word about it at least for their sake. The many that can’t spread it, our duty is to do that for them. Helping people that cannot help themselves is what we would like to be able to do here at livegreaterhealth.com.


Here we are at the end of another informational packed topic, informing the world of the disease of diverticulitis. Whoever reads and takes advantage of this information for your own good, we thank you.

These health topics are designed to inform and help the people that may have or know someone that may have, a condition, sickness, or disease of these type. We want you, to tell us, what you need, or would like to know about, by leaving us a comment below.








14 thoughts on “Diverticulitis”

  1. I may currently have this issue going on as I read this. How soon would you recommend getting checked? And would it be a regular visit or should I go through the ER section?

    1. Thanks for the comment, William It depends on what kind of problem you are having. If it’s really bothering you go to the ER, but if it’s just nagging hurt make a doctors appointment. It’s the pain issue that matters.

      1. Thanks for the comment, yes I’ll consider a link to one, that’s a good Ideal thanks.
        If we watch what foods we put in our body, and stay active, it will prevent most diseases.

  2. Hi Fred
    Thank you for the overview of diverticulitis. I had heard of it before – side effect of having medico’s for parents – but didn’t really understand what it was. It sounds painful! I am working on my health this year – eating a balanced diet, exercising – trying to lose a lot of excess weight. I think that I am on the right track to avoid this – would you agree?

    1. Yes I would say you are, Thanks for the comment, eating fiber rich diet is good for a lot of digestive problems. That keeps us healthy and feeling good. Nobody knows when their going to be sick, but I believe understanding this difficulties is going to help. Don’t you think so?

  3. Great article Fred. As a nurse I knew most of this information and it is all correct and organized well. Keep up the good work. Great, relevant topic. ~Becca W.

    1. Thanks for the comment, there’s a lot of people that has it and gets misdiagnosed. The more it gets talked about, the more awareness we will have on it. If there is any info on a health topic you would like to know, just leave me a message below.

  4. Interesting! This is the first time I read about this condition. And judging by the images, it sure does look painful. Can genetics be a reason for getting this illness?
    Anyways, thanks for the informative article!!

  5. Fred,
    When I was having trouble with my gall bladder, the Dr. told me I had diverticulitis. I had to take antibiotics for two weeks. I did not suffer any pain or side effects and did not know I had a problem. Had gall bladder out after the infection went away.
    The only thing I eat on you avoid list is spicy food. Maybe I was not getting enough greens.
    I think your information is spot on and I will try to work on your list of foods (fruits and veggies) to eat to avoid this again. If you have it once, is it easier to get again.

    1. Thanks John for your comment, many people have this problem and don’t go get it checked until it’s to late. Then it’s more severe and they have loads of problems. My suggestions is to be like you and not wait, therefore the problem can be detected and repaired. It’s hard to make people understand this. Nice talking with you, check back later I have got more coming up.

  6. I’ve known people with this disease and it can be debilitating. It’s good that you’re raising awareness about it and suggesting ways to prevent it in the first place. Prevention beats urgent care visits any day!! 🙂

    1. Thanks Colleen for your comment, and you are right, Prevention is much better than trying to treat. If you get it in your mine, than you are more apt to know to do the best thing to help. I appreciate you reading this post, sign up for my newsletter, that way you will not miss a article.

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